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apple green 蘋果綠。

When stained with congo red and observed under polarized light , the amyloid has a characteristic “ apple green “ birefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart 剛果紅染色,在偏振光下觀察,如圖所見在心臟一動脈周圍的沉積物,淀粉樣物質呈現典型的“蘋果綠”雙折射光。

apple jack

In green jade alone , the connoisseurs differentiate between seven main qualities , from the intense , even green of imperial jade , via apple green and spinach green , all the way to the lighter and to more heavily speckled shades of green 專家將其區分為七個等極:從濃艷的翡翠綠青蘋果綠菠菜綠到含著大量斑點的淡綠色。

When stained with congo red and observed under polarized light , the amyloid has a characteristic “ apple green “ birefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart 剛果紅染色,在偏振光下觀察,如圖所見在心臟一動脈周圍的沉積物,淀粉樣物質呈現典型的“蘋果綠”雙折射光。

If something is not done to make the big apple greener , said mr bloomberg on april 22nd , new york will be on a “ collision course with the environment ” 市長布倫伯格在四月二十二日講,如果不努力使紐約更加環保,那么紐約就會在環境問題上出現問題。

The long inflorescences bear many flowers with apple green sepals and petals , with a white lip which is held upright 本品種蘭花花序長,花朵多,并帶有蘋果綠的萼片、花瓣和向上挺立的白色唇瓣。

In the usa and europe , emerald green , spinach green and apple green are regarded as particularly valuable 在美國和歐洲,翡翠綠菠菜綠和青蘋果綠是被視為極具價質的。反之,在遠東地區,

The grass was dewy, the apples green and raw, but already fragrant . 綠油油的草上沾著露珠,蘋果又綠又生,不過已經芳香撲鼻。